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Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

Watch our awesome Times Tables practice! These songs are what we use to learn our times tables 'rolling numbers'.

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Welcome to Year 3 and 4!

Welcome to our class! In Class 3 this term, we will be taught by Mrs Johnson on Monday and Thursday afternoon and Miss Anderton on Monday morning, Tuesday, Wednesday morning and Friday. On a Wednesday afternoon, we have French with Madame Walsh and Music with Mrs Thornton. Mrs Monteverde will teach us on a Thursday morning. Our teaching assistants are Miss Byers on Monday, Thursday and Friday, and Mrs Morris on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Spring Term.

Welcome to the second term of the school year! We have some really exciting things planned and some interesting topics too! If you have any questions, please direct them to Miss Anderton.


In Class 3 we have great fun with maths. We learn our timetables through songs and using concrete materials and this underpins so many other areas of maths, which we learn through our Busy Ants Scheme. In Year 3 we learn x10, x2, x5, x3, x4 and x8 times tables. While Year 4 builds on this knowledge by learning the x6, x7, x9, x11 and x12 times tables so that by June they are ready for the MTC. We also continue to develop our fluency and understanding of maths through Big Maths, helping our mental maths skills. We explore maths through practical maths activities and problem-solving, developing our reasoning. 


In English this term we are focusing on Ice Palace by Robert Swindells and also The Lost Words and The Borrowers too. Throughout the term, we study and learn from a wide range of texts and stories, be it fiction, non-fiction, drama or poetry, and we like to introduce ourselves to new concepts and ideas all the time to help feed our curiosity and imagination. We love to read in Class 3, especially for pleasure - and we have a wide range of fantastic fiction books to choose from our class library, as well as a great range of non-fiction magazines to keep our general knowledge up to date with The Week Junior magazine, First News and Farmers Weekly to keep up-to-date with what's happening around the world. If your child has any magazines that they would like to donate to our library, then please bring these into class for others to enjoy.


In Science this term we are studying Animals and Humans, as well as Electricity after the half-term holidays. The scientists we will research to help with understanding these topics are Charles Darwin and Nikola Tesla.

Geography and History

This half-term in History, we will be studying Egyptians. Next half-term, in Geography, we are studying Rivers. We will be using this time to explore our local rivers using resources and training by Eden Rivers Trust.

Art and DT

DT this half-term will be focusing on Food Technology. We will be making a variety of different recipes and focusing on what a healthy and balanced diet looks like. Next half-term in Art, the children will be linking to their topic of Egyptians and learning how to make paper and how to create colour using natural techniques

Spellings and Times Tables

On a Friday each week, we have spellings and times tables tests. The children will build up to 15 spellings a week which are based on a spelling pattern, but we will be repeating 10 of these spellings each week, to help the children retain their spellings more consistently. The spellings are at the end of this page, and they will be on the 'spelling shed' website each week, so the children can learn them in a fun and interactive way. Times tables are also practised during the school day and available through the Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) website. The children enjoy this alternative method of practising their times tables.


This will take place on Monday and Friday and has the focus of Dance with Andrea Stones and Fitness. Children are required to come to school in their PE kit on these days. We will be outside as much as possible and should your child require a change of clothes that day, the class teacher will let you know. The children will also need their trainers for Mile-a-Day, which will be at 11:00am every day


  • Reading - In Class 3, children should continue to read for at least 5 mins every day. We have a sticker chart in the classroom to show when they read at home as well as logging it on Boom Reader. The children receive a tick in their box if they have logged 5 sessions on their Boom Reader account at home.
  • Guided Reading/English - each week, this will be uploaded onto Google Classroom and children will have one week to complete their Guided Reading homework. 
  • Maths - also weekly; a maths sheet will be available on Google Classroom. This is connected to the concepts we have covered that week in our maths lessons. The children will have one week to complete their Maths homework.
  • Spellings & Times Tables - Spelling and Times tables tests will be held each week on a Friday. Please learn spellings and times tables every day to ensure good knowledge of both. Please use Spelling Shed and TTRS to practise these. The whole term's spellings are at the bottom of this page and children can also use spelling shed to learn them each week. 

Thank you for reading!

Mrs Johnson, Miss Anderton, Mrs Monteverde, Miss Byers and Mrs Morris.